Otakugame.fr is a videogame blog with a lot of enthusiasm!
What run the videogames ? Fun ! At Otakugame.fr, the love of gaming is our letmotiv. We are here to discover together new games concept, and share our emotions as a player.
But why “Otakugame”?
Otakus are the peoples with obsessive interests, commonly the anime and manga fandom in Japanese. And I am a videogame otaku! I discovered this world in the Japan culture by playing with my GameBoy and my Master System II. That’s why this site is called Otakugame.fr! And why “dot fr”? Because I’m from France ! But I live in Martinique, a little Island in the French West Indies (FWI), near florida 😉 !
I agree, but why have created Otakugame.fr?
The three fundamental rules of Otakugame.fr are:
- We do not publish a lot, but we try to publish quality posts.
- We do not publish anything if we don’t have something to say…
- We try to answer as much as possible to our readers 😉
That sound great! But… Who is behind this site?
Our team is currently composed of:
- Myself, SuzuKube, founder of the blog,
- and Liquidashi, occasional newser
We are not a lot but we love what we do ;)! Feel free to support us via our Youtube, and our Pinterest!
You know how I can contact you?
I have no idea!
It’s a joke ! Just go to our contact page ;)!